Keep your pet safe when outdoors after dark with this brilliant blinking LED red light that easily hooks onto their collar. ALL proceeds from your purchase help the rescued animals at Rooterville Animal Sanctuary, thanks for shopping with us
Key Features: Rainproof, 3 Modes: continuous, slow, fast, 300yd visibility, Easy to use and attach to collars or coat, 50 hours battery lifespan.
Dimensions: 1" l x 2.5" w x 1" h
LG: 16" - 24"
Established in 2015, Steel Dog LLC. focuses on affordable, high-quality toys and treats. We understand that your pup is a member of your family and we firmly believe in creating products that help the well-being and overall health of your family member. What makes Steel Dog different? There is a surprise inside every time! Within each toy, is another toy to play with. All plush toys will be destroyed, but having an additional toy (rope or tennis ball) inside let's playtime continue. Customers are getting not one, but two toys when they buy!