Toddler Elijah James
By Emma and Mark Nicholson
22" (55cm)
3 lb, 7oz (1.56kg)
This stunning big bear is one of our older-style 'Toddler' bears (bears that can be dressed in standard baby clothing so you can shop for their outfits yourself. The Toddler range don't have the heavy heads of the baby-version of this design, so they can be displayed sitting upright).
Elijah James is made from a incredibly dense longpile alpaca in a mix of deep chestnut brown, and ivory white for his inner ears and cheeks . His nose is hand embroidered in a contrasting warmer chestnut perle cotton and his eyes are black glass with faux suede whites.
Elijah James is fully T-pin jointed and stuffed very well with polyfill, glass and steel shot weighting -he is a very weighty boy. We've given him much more free-moving limb joints then standard (helps to make him feel lovely and huggable), but his neck joint is quite firm - meaning his head wont wobble around like our younger 'newborn' baby bears do). His feet and hands have hand-pulled and shaded toe detailing, and he features some shading to his face as well.
Toddler Elijah James looks just as stunning sitting in all of his naked, fluffy alpaca-fur glory, but does comes with his stunning brand new kangaroo print onesie (Carters brand and new with tags), and his brand new cuddle teddy with blanket attached. He also wears a Thankyou brand disposable nappy, as he's not quite toilet trained yet ;)
Toddler Elijah James is a very detailed and cuddly one of a kind artist bear.
~*~ Please Note that these bears are designed to be Adult Collectables and not intended for infants and young children due to small parts and potential for damage.